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The first ice cream flavor ever made to make a statement

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Can I Have Two Scoops Of Vanilla Privilege, Please?

The First Vanilla Ice Cream That Makes Me Want To Share It With A Racist. 



Vanilla Privilege

Unfortunately, in 2020 we live in a world where racism still happens.

White privilege is still a thing. 

And Ben & Jerry's is not here for it.



Let everyone know how distasteful it is to live in a world full of injustice.


By launching a new ice cream flavor in partnership with Color of Change,

called “Vanilla Privilege”.


If you could guess any flavor that describes the world that we live in,

which one would it be?

Americone Dream? Chip Happens? Brewed to matter? 
In a world taught by the perspectives of the colonizers v.s the colonized,

we start seeing things from a different perspective.

The universe of heroes and villains. 
But how are villains treated? 
Who would you subconsciously be cheering for?
And against?
This is a reality.
This is what's happening today. 
So please, let us answer this question for you:

The world tastes bitter.
But also very sweet for some of us…
White privilege exists,

and it should be giving ALL of us stomach aches.

So if it were up to us to name an ice cream flavor that describes the world we live in,

it would be...


“Vanilla Privilege”.

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Ben & Jerry's Presents

New Flavor of the Month

 This ice cream is like no other.

This flavor speaks out against injustice.

This is a reminder.

This is how white privilege tastes.

Bitter, harsh, and pungent.

Vanilla Privilege

Because injustice should leave an after taste.




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How I Think

© 2022 by Priscilla Paris.

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